Train to Fight....Fight to Win!

Security Training

Training Classes Available to Security Professionals

We will train your personnel to State and Federal Law Enforcement requirements.
  • OCAT (Basic Introduction and Advanced)
  • Handgun (Basic Introduction and Advanced)
  • Handcuffs (Basic Introduction and Advanced)
  • Defensive Tactics (Basic Introduction and Advanced)
  • Monadnock Baton (Basic Introduction and Advanced)
  • Taser (Basic Introduction and Advance)
  • Less Lethal (Basic Introduction and Advance)
  • Active Shooter (Basic Introduction and Advance)

Sign-Up for a Firearms Class

Call for availability
Class Information
Name of Class:
What other classes
would you
be interested in?

Contact Information
For questions, email info@EMCTacticalTraining.com

Upon receipt of your order, we will respond within 48 hours
to confirm your seat in the class.

Copyright EMC Tactical Training 2012